Posts by Rich Miller

112 of 69 items

2024 22nd Sunday Reading

by Rich Miller

“Nothing that enters one from outside can defile that person; but the things that come from within are what defiles.” Mark 7: 1-8, 14-15, 21-23

Mass Intention Book 2025 Open

by Rich Miller

Please note there are still dates available for Mass intentions this year. You might like to remember the birthday or anniversary of your living loved ones, as well as the deceased. Mass stipends are $10 each. Please stop by the Rectory office or call the office at 226-5116 to schedule Masses.

Spend Some Time in Adoration

by Rich Miller

Looking for a quite place to talk with our Lord? The Adoration Chapel at St. Clement is the place for you. It is open Monday through Sunday 6am to 11pm. At present, the Eucharist is exposed in the monstrance on Wednesday and Thursday only. The chapel is located in the back of the Rectory right […]

Deacon Thomas Bizon

by Rich Miller

Dear Family of the Lakewood Catholic Parishes, I’m Deacon Tom Bizon, and I have just been assigned as your deacon. I was ordained in 2018 and served my first assignment at my home parish of Mary Queen of the Apostles in Brook Park. I’m excited to join the community here, and I look forward to […]

Parish School of Religion 2024-2025

by Rich Miller

We are happy to offer several faith formation options for the Lakewood Catholic community. Families with children in public school, or non-Catholic schools are invited to consider one of the following faith formation options. Parish School of Religion programs follow the school year calendar, beginning in late August / early September and meeting through early […]

Sunshine Ministry

by Rich Miller

Looking for people that could use some “sunshine”! We are sending greeting cards to our homebound parishioners. Birthdays or just a “thinking of you” card to brighten their day. If you know a homebound parishioner that should be added to our list, please call the Rectory office and let us know their name, address and […]

Adoration Chapel News

by Rich Miller

Looking for a quiet place to talk with our Lord? The Adoration Chapel at St. Clement is the place for you. It is open to all Monday through Sunday from 6 am to 11 pm. At present, the Eucharist is exposed in the monstrance on Wednesday and Thursday only. The Chapel is located in the […]

Prayer Warriors

by Rich Miller

It is with great hope that St. Clement is in the process of developing a prayer warrior ministry. The mission of this prayer ministry is to create opportunities for prayer intentions, support other church ministries and to deepen our relationship with Christ. Prayer Warriors use intercessory prayer in a working partnership with God. Jesus taught […]

Note from Deacon Danny L. Bryan

by Rich Miller

In May 2008, I was ordained as a Permanent Deacon and assigned to St. James. At the time, my wife and I had little awareness of the many changes facing us in the future. When St. James closed in 2010, and we moved over to St. Clement, it was one of the hardest times of […]

Special Announcement From Fr. Kevin

by Rich Miller

In June, Fr. Schultz will be coming to Lakewood to be the parochial vicar of St. Luke, St. Clement, and St. James Parishes. As he concludes current assignment, let’s pray for him and his future ministry in Lakewood.

LCA Athletic Board

by Rich Miller

In the weeks ahead, the LCA Athletic Board (LCAAB) will accept applications from individuals interested in joining the board. While certain professional skills, such as balancing the program’s budget, are essential to its continued success, enthusiasm for youth sports is the first requirement of all LCAAB members. If you are already involved in LCA athletics, […]