With the pandemic in the rearview mirror, it is time to start planning for future parish activities. As you know, like many other things, parish activities have been on hold throughout this challenging year. It’s now time to regroup and renew our missionary activities. Over the many years, faithful parishioners have stepped forward to serve this community in many capacities. Their dedication has proven invaluable to the spread of the Gospel in Lakewood.

I am reaching out to the parish community to inform you of the reformation process of our parish committees and for assistance on two important parish activities that are upcoming.

The Parish Pastoral Council believes that it would be of great benefit to invite former committee members to have a conversation on the role and function of a particular committee to formulate a foundation to invite more members of our parish to serve. These conversations will happen over the next month with the hope of reestablishing the committees in September. Please be open to serving our parish through these committees this fall.

Over the many years St. Clement parishioners have generously supported our two major fundraisers that help supplement our offertory collection. I invite parishioners to a meeting regarding our fundraising activities. Help is needed to make these activities successful. This meeting will be June 21st at 7p.m. in the Parish Hall.

With great joy, I extend in invitation to join the parish 100th Anniversary Committee. Beginning April 27, 2022 we will celebrate a year of jubilee. I am looking for input and volunteers to help our parish plan, celebrate, and promote the good work that has been done and continues into the next chapter of our parish story. Please plan to join me on June 28th at 7p.m. in the Parish Hall for the formation of this committee. All ideas are welcome, and many hands are needed.

Peace and Joy!!
Fr. Workman