Dear Brothers and Sisters,

The Eucharist is the source and summit of our spiritual lives. Through the simple forms of bread and wine, Jesus comes to us with great compassion and love. What we see with faith we are called to share in joy. In the gospel for this weekend, Jesus comes to the disciples walking on the sea in the mist of great winds. For many of us, the winds of this pandemic have caused many waves, tossing us about on the sea of life. Jesus comes to us, inviting us to have faith that he will calm the winds of fear and anxiety. Let us trust and not doubt.  

As I mentioned in last week’s homily, I am offering an opportunity to receive the Eucharist to those unable to attend Mass due to health concerns. If interested, please call the parish office to schedule a date and time. These visits are simple and not intended as social events. The expectations are outlined below. Those who live outside the Lakewood area can participate, but will be scheduled outside the standard. 

Please consider the following guidance and expectations for home visit reception of Holy Communion:

  • Prior to your scheduled time, take some time for private prayer. Consider reading the designated scriptures for the day.
  • When I arrive, please come to the front porch (or other entrance designated during scheduling) wearing a face covering.
  • We will pray the Our Father and Lamb of God together.
  • After properly hand sanitizing, I will present you with the Body of Christ. You then consume the host.
  • We will pray a Hail Mary, followed by the blessing.
  • When you go back into your home, a personal prayer of thanksgiving should be offered.

Available Dates:

Saint James – August 18 and August 19, 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. 

            Saint Clement – August 21 and August 24, 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.

When you call the office, the secretary will provide available times and ask how many in your household will be receiving communion. If you live outside the Lakewood area, they will direct you to my voicemail at Saint Clement and I will schedule with you directly. This is a new adventure for us, so please be patient as I try to make the Eucharist available to parishioners. If this is successful and not too cumbersome, I hope to offer this again later in the Fall. Please say an extra prayer that we can make this work!

As we plan for the Fall and look at ways to engage with our faith through different experiences, don’t forget the free resources that are available through Formed. If you’re new to Formed, learn more and enroll from our parish website. It is a great source of inspirational movies, eBooks, and educational materials to enhance your spiritual growth. It is made possible due to the financial support of our many generous parishioners. Thank you!

Christ’s Peace,

Fr. Workman